Wedding Floral Dreams look different for every person. Here we will explore different bouquet styles and designs.

Fruity Foliage

Fruit and other foods are commonly overlooked as contents in a bouquet but they add a special sweetness to the display, color and texture. They can be set as the focal piece as the grapes have been displayed in this arrangement or you can make a more subtle statement by sparingly placing small accent fruits like berries or cherries amidst larger blooms.

Bouquet by Blue Bouquet

Vivid Blossoms

A statement bouquet is a perfect accessory when paired with an elegant gown with minimal detailing.

The bright blooms bring the chosen wedding colors to life in a vibrant and breathtaking way. Various textures are added by incorporating different types of flowers like the elegant yellow ranunculus with the exotic white and green lady slipper orchid.

Bouquet by: Studio Dan Meiners

Green Gatherings

Some weddings opt for a color palate of neutral tones, eliminating the need for bright, colorful flowers. The natural look of the greens shown above has been arranged into a contemporary bouquet. The rustic and earthy elements are the perfect blend with accent pieces, small and large. Due to all of the components being the same color, it is important to create a focal piece, similar to this xerographica air plant.

Bouquet by: Hitched Planning & Floral

Ornamented Wreaths

Flowers offer endless possibilities including out-of-the-box ideas like a cascading wreath or a stunning headpiece. Using different types of flowers creates a beautiful palate that accentuates the colors of the wedding. These unique ideas can be used exclusively as photo props and later re-purposed to decorate an area of the reception, or kept on for a full-days use.

Wreath by: Craig Sole Designs

Incomparable Collections

As one of the hottest trends of the year, the handpicked bouquet is the perfect blend of color, style, and diversity. The collection of flowers and greenery are customized to taste and eliminate the chance of any two bouquets looking the same. It is easy to add both bold and soft touches as seen above with the two red proteas and the surrounding light-blue dusty miller.

Bouquet by: Good Earth Floral Design Studio