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KCWVCA Business Verification

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Upload your Business License. If you don't have a copy, look up your Charter Number and input it below.
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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
I am submitting updated details and documentation for my business to be considered for the Kansas City Wedding Vendor Choice Awards. I understand that this submission does not ensure a nomination or guarantee finalist status. Additionally, I agree with the mission statement of the awards platform: MISSION STATEMENT: At the Kansas City Wedding Vendor Choice Awards, our mission is to celebrate and uplift the Kansas City wedding industry by recognizing excellence, fostering inclusivity, and strengthening our community. Our commitment extends beyond awarding outstanding achievements; we strive to improve the wedding industry over time by nurturing relationships with clients, empowering employees, and collaborating with local businesses. We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where companies, employees, and couples can thrive, free from discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or national origin. + disability Together, we create a vibrant wedding industry that reflects the beauty of Kansas City, to which is celebrated by the Vendor Choice Awards.

If you need assistance in locating your documents, you may find these links helpful: Missouri  Kansas